European projects

Chosen by over 1000 organizations and companies

In all these years of activity, SOGESCA has collaborated with over a thousand businesses, public institutions and organizations.

Each project undertaken is part of our wealth of experience and gives value and authority to our business. This is confirmed by the reception received by the projects themselves and by the positive feedback that customers and funding entities have given us.

Anticipate future scenarios with European funds

A special mention goes to that long and profitable journey within the framework of direct European funds, undertaken by SOGESCA from 1992 and on. What characterized us right from the start was the ability to anticipate European regulatory developments. Above all, it is witnessed by the first European project on the EMAS Regulation, based on the draft that would later be approved in 1993 (project approved by the LIFE programme). Another project which, in our early days, raised the prestige of SOGESCA was the SIGRI project. It consisted on the development of a decision support system (GIS + models) for industrial risk management. It has been approved by the Second Framework Program for Research and Development. Since then, more than 60 projects have been approved by European Commission experts presented on the ideation and/or participation of SOGESCA. Every year SOGESCA has 3 to 7 projects ongoing at the same time, related to topics in which we believe the most: sustainability, energy efficiency of public institutions and businesses, adaptation to climate change. Why does SOGESCA participate in European programmes? Above all to innovate its services in the framework of the development of European policies and regulations. At the same time, we want to create and nourish high-level collaborations with leading European organizations: Universities, research centers (such as the Fraunhofer Institut), large and prestigious companies, consulting firms, associations… The fruit of our work is certainly positive: SOGESCA has a consolidated network of collaborations that allows a smooth participation in European tenders. Even in Italy, where SOGESCA is recognized as a partner capable of bringing resources, expertise and experience in its areas of intervention. In fact, thanks to the availability of funds, it has been possible for many subjects to complete innovative and wide-ranging work programs at no or very low cost, obtaining great visibility and substantial improvements.

Us in numbers

years of service

businesses and clients

supported institutions

+80 mln
euros of financing