Health and safety at work

  • For whom: Public institutions, Businesses
  • Scope: Health and Safety
  • Type of intervention: Consulting, Plans and models, Training
Servizi SOGESCA salute e sicurezza

Why choosing the service

A risk that has not been properly assessed and managed can cost the life and health of workers, cause heavy penalties, as well as criminal liability for the employer and the company, triggering dangerous mechanisms that can compromise the very survival of the company.

Health and Safety at Work (HSE) must be pursued through a culture of prevention and management that is established with training, information, rising awareness and collaboration within the organization.
Workers must be active players, participating in the development of the culture of prevention and be aware of the conditions of their workplace and the use of safety devices.

The reference regulatory text, Testo unico sulla Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro (Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent amendments), applies to all sectors of activity (private and public) and to all types of risk.

SOGESCA has been providing services in this area since 1994, the year when the first Legislative Decree (n. 626/94) was approved which gave a first very important impulse to the prevention and management of safety at work.

How does this service work

SOGESCA can offer a complete range of consulting services for health and safety in the workplace for businesses and public institutions.

Our operative stages are divided into:

  • analysis of the actual situation of the company and identification of present gaps and subsequent proposals, implementation and monitoring of an intervention plan;
  • support for maintenance and continuous improvement;
  • identification and selection of personal protective equipment;
  • security management;
  • external RSPP (prevention and protection service manager);
  • construction site safety: POS and replacement plans;
  • projects for the fire prevention certificate and relations with the relevant institutions;
  • verifications of legislative cogency and measurements;
  • Legislative Decree 231/01 and organizational models (general part and specific parts);
  • noise: phonometricsurveys, acoustic evaluations, sound pressure measurements and calculation of acoustic power on machines and systems, determination of passive acoustic requirements of buildings;
  • safety management systems according to the OHSAS 18001 standard;
  • integration with other management systems;
  • food safety management systems according to the ISO 22000 standard;
  • HACCP “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points”;
  • persuasion of traceability of the supply chain and controlled supply chain certification (UNI 10939 and UNI 11020);
  • training: first aid courses, courses for emergency teams, training programs preparation;
  • screening of financing opportunities, incentives, subsidized finance.

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