Dr. Emanuele Cosenza

Development of European projects for municipalities, SE(C)AP expert

Studies and experiences

I graduated in European Union Policies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in the University of Padua, with an experimental thesis on EU energy policies. I was a consultant at Confindustria Veneto and a member of the technical committee for the preparation of the Energy Plan for Veneto Region.
I have been working for SOGESCA since 2012.
I have developed and implemented 8 European projects funded by Intelligent Energy Europe, Horizon 2020 and LIFE programs, supporting more than 90 Municipalities in the implementation of SEAPs and SECAPs. I supported 10 Italian Municipalities in the ISO 50001 certification.


I am an expert in Energy Management Systems, trained by the British Standard Institution, and I am among the judges of the Energy Management Leadership Awards, an initiative promoted by the US Ministry of Energy. Since 2016 I have been a professor of community planning and policies.